Wczytuję mapę...
- “DevOps in SAP ABAP Landscapes” – Sascha Junkert will present the latest efforts of bringing Continuous Integration concepts into on premise ABAP development practices.
- “Tuning ABAP with Hardware mechanics” – Dmitrii Pescov will show you how hardware mechanics influence ABAP performance and how to use them to your advantage
- Handling security bugs with responsible disclosure and bug bounty programs – Tim Philipp Schäfers & Sebastian Neef will give an insight into the research work of their project “Internetwache.org”
- Ledgers – how do you even…? – Ricardo J. Méndez will share his opinion about useful applications of Blockchain and where it should be avoided
- Design Thinking, leadership and creative problem solving – Anne Johnson will present applicable tools and practices that you can bring back and try out back home
- Writing an SAP PRESS book – Morten Wittrock will share his experience of writing a technical book for SAP PRESS
- Kubernetes and Gardener – Andrew Karpow & Dirk Marwinski will give you on overview why Kubernetes is the latest hype and how SAP’s Gardener project is contributing to managing Kubernetes clusters.