Please support SAP by sharing this information with your User Group members:
as a SAP customer, are you considering moving your company to the Cloud or upgrading your existing on-premise systems? SAP wants to empower you and your business to succeed!
We ask for 10 minutes of your time to give us your feedback on how SAP can better support you. SAP’s goal is to better understand your preferences, in particular, SAP would like to focus on your feedback along the following 3 dimensions:
- The ERP solution scope with regards to how you are currently working with your systems and which features you need most
- Deployment methods and schedules that would work best for your business
- Migration scenarios and infrastructure setup to avoid any interruptions of your daily work.
After collecting the responses, SAP will evaluate the results and prioritize customer’s most important needs as influencing factors for their SAP S/4HANA strategy. The participation in this survey is anonymous. Those who are interested in results, might leave their email address to receive an exclusive executive summary of the survey results.
The survey is open until April 16th, please participate now.