listopad, 2020
SAP Manufacturing Day 2020
Wiemy, że Twój czas jest cenny - ale Twój biznes jest tego wart. Spotkajmy się w gronie ekspertów branży produkcyjnej podczas SAP Manufacturing Day. W [...]
Transporting ABAP and non-ABAP objects (CTS, CTS+, cCTS, HTA (for HDI), gCTS)
If customers develop their own functionality, they most probably will do so in a development system and then move the changes to a testing and [...]
październik, 2020
Efficient DevOps with SAP Cloud Platform
DevOps is a key enable to achieve high agility in cloud projects. SAP Cloud Platform offers tools and services that foster corresponding principles and ease [...]
Plan Your Cloud Journey with Maintenance Planner
As businesses move toward cloud-based solutions, it becomes critical to support landscape maintenance requirements for your hybrid landscapes. Typical services now offered by Maintenance Planner [...]
Software Logistics Solutions from SAP in a Hybrid World
SAP offers a broad spectrum of software life cycle solutions from the management of large on-premise landscapes to software running on-demand in the cloud. In [...]
sierpień, 2020
Centralny ład danych podstawowych przy zastosowaniu SAP Master Data Governance
MDSap kontynuuje cykl webinarów "Poznaj przyszłość zarządzania danymi", tym razem wspólnie z firmą SAP zapraszamy na webinar – „Centralny ład danych podstawowych przy zastosowaniu SAP [...]
lipiec, 2020
SAP Enterprise Support GUIDES Program (July 15, 2020)
SAP Enterprise Support has a comprehensive and proven service portfolio to support SAP customers in their transition to SAP S/4HANA. With the given assets all [...]
Focused Insights for SAP Solution Manager – How Customer COE Can Build Their Own Dashboards (July 09, 2020)
Since the beginning of 2020, usage rights for Focused Insights have been included in SAP maintenance contracts. Focused Insights for SAP Solution Manager helps you [...]
How SAP Solution Manager and SAP Cloud ALM can support your implementation projects, in particular with SAP S/4HANA implementation (July 08, 2020)
With SAP Solution Manager and the preconfigured Focused Build add-on for an agile project approach, you get a solution which supports you in upcoming implementation [...]
Getting Started on Business Process Automation in SAP S/4HANA with SAP Intelligent Technologies (July 07, 2020)
Automation has been a key topic for customers implementing digital transformation in this unprecedent time. In this virtual session, we will introduce SAP’s Intelligent technologies [...]