Continuous Delivery Pipeline for SAP Cloud Application Programming Model
SAP Cloud Application Programming Model offers a consistent end-to-end programming model for full-stack development on SAP Cloud Platform. With the new, open source SAP Cloud SDK CI/CD pipeline you can do automated testing, get access to built-in best practices, and experience continuous deployment and delivery. Read this blog for additional insights and for information on how to get started. To learn more about the SAP Cloud SDK, click here.
SAP Fiori Element User Guide
SAP Fiori elements creates standard apps based on several basic page types, which are templates or floorplans for common SAP scenarios. Understanding its capabilities will allow you to choose the right scenario to accelerate development. Click here to see the When to Use SAP Fiori Elements User Guide. To learn more about SAP Fiori elements, click here.
Insights into ABAP and JSON
In this blog, ABAP developer Michael Keller shares insights into his experience dealing with JSON. He wrote two examples with the goal of being able to serialize and deserialize different types of data – the examples are available in Github and the links are included in the blog. The author also included links to other get started materials that you may find useful.
Nested routing with reusable components in UI5
When building large and complex UI5 apps, at some point you start creating reusable components which you embed in a container app. For most scenarios, the UI5 documentation will suffice, that is until you have routing in a subcomponent and deeplinks that you want to share. Read this blog for an alternative approach. To learn more about SAPUI5 and to get started, visit the SAPUI5 section in the SAP Developer Center.
New step by step tutorials and how-to guides
Explore our new tutorials available on the SAP Developer Center:
- Build a Java-based e-commerce site: Develop a Java-based e-commerce app on SAP Cloud Platform starting with a reference app that demonstrates the main development steps.
- Create a Cloud Foundry app using SAP Cloud SDK: Create a Cloud Foundry app using the SAP Cloud SDK, add security and other advanced features such as resilience and caching.
- Build an Address Manager with the SAP Cloud SDK’s OData Virtual Data Model: Use the SAP Cloud SDK’s OData virtual data model by building an address manager app using Express.js.
- Develop your first SAPUI5 web app on Cloud Foundry: Learn how to develop a simple SAPUI5 web app and deploy it to the cloud, discover the various tools that you can leverage to deploy apps to Cloud Foundry.
- Add SAP Jam Collaboration Social Components to business apps: How to integrate SAPUI5 extensions into a mobile app with a responsive UI using SAP Web IDE and SAP Jam Collaboration.
- Use the SAP Jam Collaboration OData API Reference: Try out each SAP Jam Collaboration endpoint and view the results using the OData API Reference.
- Create cards from any web application: Learn how to push content from a web app to SAP Mobile Card via a default card.
- How to create chart Cards: Learn how to implement Charts in a Card to visualize key datasets.
- Online OData with HTML5/Android: Build an HTML5-based Cordova app and learn how to access enterprise data with the SAP Mobile SDK.