Event Brokering Using SAP Cloud Platform Enterprise Messaging (December 05, 2019)

Event Brokering Using SAP Cloud Platform Enterprise Messaging (December 05, 2019)



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Event Driven architectures are one of the hot topics in modern software engineering and enable seamless communication and integration across different platforms. SAP Cloud Platform Enterprise Messaging is a cloud-based messaging service that provides Event Brokering capabilities. It allows to publish events from SAP sources such as SAP S/4HANA, C4C, SAP SuccessFactors, and SAP C/4HANA, and also from external sources. Attending this session, you will learn about Event Driven architectures in general and in an SAP context. Additionally, you will find out how to event-enable selected SAP backends and finally get to know how you can benefit from using the event brokering capabilities of Enterprise Messaging.

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